Therapy for Anxiety, Panic, & Depression in Oregon


 Anxiety, panic, and depression often go hand in hand…



Anxiety can create an overwhelming feeling that you are out of control. Clients experience a range of symptoms from racing or intrusive thoughts, insomnia, fatigue, tension, and broken concentration. It is a full time job to manage the symptoms associated with the fear, doubt, and worry often associated with anxiety and panic. You’re working hard with fear, worry, racing thoughts, sweaty palms. It is no wonder you feel depressed!


A couple questions to consider:

married woman running fingers through her brunette hair city backdrop
  • Do you feel like you have to hide the way you feel most days?

  • Do you feel exhausted with daily tasks and would rather be alone than with people?

  • Are you working harder and harder but find that peace alludes you?

  • Do you feel that this will not get better on it’s own and maybe it’s getting worse?


Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are intense sensations that may seem like that come out of no where or may be triggered by an event, a memory, or environment. A common example may be the changing of seasons such as fall to winter in which an event occur such as a broken romance, an illness, or a loss. Another example may be a song that reminds you of something painful. They are sudden and evoke strong physical and emotional sensations in which interrupts your daily activities.

Symptoms of Panic:

  • intense fear

  • rapid heart rate

  • shortness of breath

  • trembling or shaking

  • nausea

  • chest pain

  • sweating

  • feeling dizzy or light headed

  • numbness or a tingling sensation


Treatment Approach

TruCourage provides psychotherapy to treat anxiety, panic, and associated depression. Methods include creating a calm and welcoming environment in which you can be your true self. The unique partnership between you and the therapist will be the cornerstone of our work together. Some additional areas of treatment include psycho-education, as well as mindfulness interventions to aid you in your journey of feeling soothed, comforted, and whole. Please reach out to TruCourage today and get started on your healing path. There is hope and effective treatment for you!